Training Providers

Lifetime chairman Geoff Russell ‘leaves the company’

Russel leaves Lifetime Training after 15 months as executive chairman

Joshua Stein
Joshua Stein
Training Providers

Babington hires ‘turnaround’ specialist as next CEO

Apprenticeship provider Babington have revealed their new CEO and chairman

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
Training Providers

AELP chief Jane Hickie to stand down

The training body boss will officially leave at the end of this week

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
AEB, Training Providers

PeoplePlus walks away from AEB delivery

Three years ago PeoplePlus held the largest national AEB contract among all independent training providers

Joshua Stein
Joshua Stein
Training Providers

‘Inadequate’ provider stops trading with almost £1m in unpaid bills

Adult care provider likely won't be able to pay back any debts

Anviksha Patel
Anviksha Patel
Ofsted, Training Providers

Large provider’s contracts in doubt as ‘inadequate’ rating looms

BCTG set to be downgraded from grade two to four

Billy Camden
Billy Camden
AEB, Training Providers

Fast-growing adult education provider suddenly closes

Clawback for 'associate agreements' and failed legal challenge for AEB bid contribute to collapse

Billy Camden
Billy Camden
Apprenticeships, Ofsted, Training Providers

Justice: Provider overturns published grade 4 Ofsted report after ‘arduous’ battle

Extraordinary saga ends in grade 2 for apprenticeship firm

Billy Camden
Billy Camden
Training Providers

Director ban for bogus apprenticeships firm chief

A seven year director disqualification has been served on the boss of apprenticeships provider London College of Global Education...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen