York College
Adult education budget funding will increase by 10 per cent in the West Midlands to help providers with rising...
Online lessons at City Lit have been cancelled until the new year, but face to face lessons continue
Industry leavers and Covid-19 disruption has hampered progress on health and care pilot
The adult education charity had served more than 30,000 students in ten years, but 'trading conditions' forced trustees to...
A skills policy focused on employment to the detriment of other social benefits would be a false economy and...
Gap widens for adult learning between highest and lowest performing regions in the UK
‘The bravest things you see are adults stepping back into a community venue to learn something new’ said WEA's...
Researchers find language of 'lifelong loan' unappealing to future adult learners
Juliette Collier and Julia Wright explain why proposals in the funding and accountability consultation which closed last week could...