Harris Lowe Academy Willesden
The Department for Education has defended its decision to exclude key skills shortage areas from in-year AEB funding increases
Students studying higher level courses under the lifelong loan scheme will have access to maintenance loans following years of...
Freedom of Information request reveals just 14 learners against a target 150 have signed up to date
Grant funding to return to county council later this year
Procurement has launched for adult education budget and free courses for jobs provision in non-devolved areas for 2023/24
West Yorkshire Combined Authority follows Greater London and West Midlands for inflation-matching AEB rise
ESFA-funded 'priority' subjects receive uplifts but it's not good news for functional skills English and maths
Adult education statistics also show increases in level 4+ and ESOL courses, but further declines at levels 2 and...
Colleges and adult learning centres talk about their efforts to support those struggling to make ends meet