Election 2024

Five elephant traps to avoid in crafting a lifelong skills strategy

Mapping out this dangerous political territory for the new government to help them deliver a vital policy for national...

JL Dutaut
Sue Pember
Election 2024

Labour’s plans for economic growth put FE at the heart of their agenda

There has never been a stronger recognition of what our sector offers – and I am confident that funding...

JL Dutaut
David Hughes
Election 2024

In Manchester and nationally, Labour is on a skills mission

Only by rewiring the education system can we grow the economy and help all our young people to fulfil...

JL Dutaut
Andy Burnham
Early years

How a new government’s early years plans will affect further education

Early years and further education are inter-dependent sectors, and failure to value one would be a failure to value...

JL Dutaut
Michael Freeston
Staffroom - Opinion

Why every FE teacher should embrace being a mentor

Cultivating the next generation of talent is a shared responsibility and mutually beneficial - and the workload issue is...

JL Dutaut
Tyler Jackson

Why what doesn’t work in the classroom is as important as what does

FE continues to have trouble with working out what works – but evidence of absence is not the same...

JL Dutaut
Andrew Otty
Tertiary education

How Labour can seize the opportunity on tertiary education

A quasi market and siloed thinking have failed us – institutions must work together, say Prof David Phoenix and...

JL Dutaut
Dame Ann Limb and Professor David Phoenix
Skills reform

Optimism and realism: Five takeways from the AELP national conference

My first national conference in my new role for AELP highlighted challenges and opportunities ahead for a sector primed...

JL Dutaut
Kelly Huntington
Adult education

We need a government who will stop throttling adult education

Political leaders should be supporting flexibility and increased investment in adult education. Here’s how they can

JL Dutaut
Carol Snape