Your weekly guide to who’s new and who’s leaving
Mike Welsh, Principal and CEO, East Riding College
Start date: January 2018
Previous job: Deputy principal, College of North West London
Interesting fact: Mike is a keen organic gardener, has an allotment, and keeps bees and chickens. He enjoys cooking this produce for friends and family.
Chris Jones, Interim CEO, Bradford College
Start date: January 2018
Previous job: FE adviser, the Department for Education
Interesting fact: Chris is currently learning to juggle.
Joy Kettyle, Principal and CEO, Waltham Forest College
Start date: March 2018
Previous job: Vice-principal for curriculum and quality, Gloucestershire College
Interesting fact: Joy took up golf over a year ago, but says the squirrels still dive for cover when she’s on the course.
Sanjeev Ohri, Chief officer for business development and Dudley College worldwide, Dudley College
Start date: December 2017
Previous job: Vice-principal international and business development, Dudley College
Interesting fact: Sanjeev has an obsession with fashion, and has over 18 wardrobes housing 86 suits, and hundreds of ties, shirts and shoes.
Caireen Mitchell, Principal and CEO, Croydon College
Start date: April 2018
Previous job: Group director of planning and performance, Capital City Colleges Group
Interesting fact: Caireen is a cycling enthusiast (her mother has banned her from talking about it) and will compete in this year’s Mallorca 312 event.
If you want to let us know of any new faces at the top of your college, training provider or awarding organisation please let us know by emailing
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