T Levels

DfE launch T Level reviews amid ‘worrying’ drop-out rates

New figures confirm a third of 2021 T Level entrants dropped the course

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
T Levels

DfE could step in if T Level fee hikes hit college budgets

Awarding bodies can charge colleges higher fees if gen 2 T Levels under-recruit

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
T Levels

Awarding body writes off £2.5m as T Level recruitment stalls

Lower than expected T Level student numbers have hit charity NCFE's books

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
T Levels

IfATE backtracks on public sector T Level targets

Board members wanted to 'lobby' for placement targets but later changed their minds

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
T Levels

Employers warned years ago that hairdressing T Levels wouldn’t cut it

Businesses flagged concerns with placements and standards early in the process - but officials overruled

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
BTECs, T Levels

71 courses face the axe in favour of wave 4 T Levels

Popular BTECs in media and animal management to be scrapped, DfE announces

Anviksha Patel
Anviksha Patel
T Levels

‘Shock’ as ministers suddenly scrap hairdressing and barbering T Levels

Hair industry employers preferred apprenticeships to the proposed T Level

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
T Levels

T Level student fee hikes slammed by college leaders

New contracts can adapt entry fees to make sure awarding organisations make a profit

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
T Levels

T Levels: IfATE set to launch health and science relicensing

Providers could be charged higher fees if student numbers are lower than expected

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen