Harris Westminster Sixth Form
One awarding giant decided not to re-tender at all as 4 contracts get reassigned
A 'pause and review' can't be an excuse to change direction again. Here are four ways to make sure...
Having a choice of technical education options, including T Levels, is the best way to create a system that...
Ex PM and Lord Sainsbury want new government to renege on a pledge made last year to rethink level...
Awarding body has taken measures to ensure errors will not happen again
90% of T Level drop-outs that switched to other technical courses went on to qualifications due to be defunded
Controversial industry placements were the most popular element of T Levels for the first cohort that completed them
New figures confirm a third of 2021 T Level entrants dropped the course
Awarding bodies can charge colleges higher fees if gen 2 T Levels under-recruit