
Cambridge sixth form still ‘outstanding’ in first Ofsted inspection since 2006 

'It’s wonderful to see the hard work of our staff and students recognised in this way'

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

Ofsted downgrades new provider after ESFA apprentice pay tip-off

Frustration over blurred ESFA and Ofsted roles

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

New apprenticeship provider jumps from ‘insufficient’ to Ofsted ‘outstanding’

“Going from the verge of the business going bust to an ‘outstanding’ is an incredible feat”

Will Nott
Will Nott

Ofsted accused of flawed inspection after provider receives ‘inadequate’

Quest Vocational Training Limited say they 'vehemently dispute' the contents of the report

Will Nott
Will Nott

Ofsted rates sixth form college ‘outstanding’ again – 13 years on from last inspection

'We're absolutely thrilled. This is a real testament to the staff who work tirelessly for our students'

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

FE loans training provider goes bust after damning Ofsted inspection

The ESFA immediately terminated the provider's funding contract

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

Fourth consecutive ‘requires improvement’ Ofsted rating for BMet

Inspectors criticised leaders for failing to ensure the college’s curriculum is "consistently good in all subjects and at all...

Will Nott
Will Nott

Rail provider considers Ofsted challenge after damning ‘inadequate’ report

Ofsted found off-the-job training rules were being broken

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

Provider fights back over ‘inadequate’ Ofsted rating

The provider blamed Covid-19 for withdrawals over the last two years

Will Nott
Will Nott