
When to flex your governance arrangements – and how to do it

Why your college should consider governance innovation in response to specific circumstances – even if it doesn’t fit your...

JL Dutaut
Ian Valvona and Melissa Drayson

Three priorities for college governors in the lead-up to a general election

Shaid Mahmood shares his insights on the future of governance as he stands down from his position as Luminate...

JL Dutaut
Shaid Mahmood

Paying college chairs is a growing necessity

The sector is crying out for diverse talent who can support leaders to develop, write Ian Valvona and Paul...

JL Dutaut
Paul Aristides and Ian Valvona
Colleges, Governance

Unpresidented: College in ‘crisis’ over best-paid CEO’s new role

Governance concerns as accusations of nepotism also come to light

Anviksha Patel
Anviksha Patel

Why reviving the college-led SPA could see the sector through a challenging time

The college-led structure and prospects appraisal has lost popularity but it could be just the ticket to taking back...

JL Dutaut
Ian Valvona

The four Ps that will ensure your external governance review brings value for money

The new mandatory requirement for external governance review represents a substantial investment, writes Melissa Drayson, so it’s important to...

JL Dutaut
Melissa Drayson

Governance: An inward-looking culture misses risks and opportunities

College governance bears a heavy weight of responsibility and must lift its eyes to opportunities and threats on the...

JL Dutaut
Trudi Stevens

Lack of governor know-how is holding colleges back

Our changing society and economy demand colleges with vision and adaptability, writes John Spindler, but our governance arrangements leave...

JL Dutaut
John Spindler
Colleges, Governance

Successful bidder to run governor recruitment service revealed

Struggling colleges will have access to the free governor recruitment service from this September.

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen