Three weeks ago we reported that by the end of the last academic year, college performance had dipped to its lowest level, as measured by Ofsted.
The proportion of the nation’s 188 colleges graded ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ languished on 69 per cent, over 10 percentage points below other provider types.
How quickly things have changed: seven colleges have already moved up to a grade two in recent weeks.
The impact is sizable, not only reversing the decline but boosting performance of the sector by three points to 72 per cent, the highest it has been for two years.
The chief inspector is currently putting the finishing touches to her first annual report and its accompanying speech.
Even though this recent upturn is technically too late to be part of a report about last year, I do still hope it is acknowledged.
And FE Week will be watching the inspection trend over coming months closely, hopeful for students and staff that performance keeps getting better.
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