The Artsmark award will be opened up to include Further Education instutions in September.
The programme, set up by Arts Council England, will work in partnership with The National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural to monitor and award ‘Artsmarked’ colleges.
Pauline Tambling, Managing Director of the Skills Academy said: “Introducing Artsmark to the Further Education sector will allow training provision and arts activity in colleges to be audited, celebrated and improved.
“By encouraging collaborations with professional artists and practitioners, Artsmark rewards creative collaborations, industry engagement and links with the creative industries.”
Artsmark will offer free training to Further Education colleges in October, instructing them on practical ways to complete the application form and recommending the best practice for improving provision once they’ve received the award.
The scheme is said to tie in with Goal 5 of Arts Council England’s ten-year strategic framework, which aims to ensure that ‘every child and young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts’.
The Artsmark programme has helped schools to evaluate, celebrate and strengthen a quality arts offer for more than 10 years.
To date over 11,400 schools (approximately 30% of schools in England) have received an Artsmark award.
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