Higher education

Rip-off degrees might not be the ones people think they are

What if the biggest waste of a university education was in the rapidly evolving world of STEM, asks Ash...

JL Dutaut
Ash Gawthorp
Higher education

‘Rip-off’ HE student cap a ‘worry’ for colleges

Recruitment limits, foundation year fee cuts and a new website for apprenticeships have been announced

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
Colleges, Higher education

College group becomes first FE institution with permanent degree powers

The Office for Students deemed NCG worthy to award bachelors and masters degrees indefinitely this month

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
Higher education, Skills reform

Funding rate boost for next round of higher technical skills injection fund

Up to £48.8m is on offer over the next two years

Billy Camden
Billy Camden
Higher education

UCAS chief executive Marches on

Clare Marchant will leave the organisation to lead the University of Gloucestershire

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
Higher education, Lifelong Learning, Skills reform

£2m set aside for lifelong loan awareness campaign

Flagship policy will provide individuals with the equivalent of four years of post-18 education to use over their lifetime

Billy Camden
Billy Camden
Higher education, Lifelong Learning, Skills reform

Ministers clear lifelong learning loan laws in the Commons

Opposition MPs were unsuccessful in pushing for more oversight of lifelong learning loan regulations

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
Adult education, Higher education, Lifelong Learning, Skills reform

Lifelong loan entitlement: Maintenance loans in and ELQ rule out

Students studying higher level courses under the lifelong loan scheme will have access to maintenance loans following years of...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen
Higher education, sexual misconduct

OfS proposes register of ‘personal relationships’ between staff and students

Non-disclosure agreements also face ban in cases of harassment and sexual misconduct

Tallulah Taylor
Tallulah Taylor