AEB, Devolution

Adult training axed to avoid court fights, authority admits

Training contracts targeted at the unemployed and low skilled have been delayed until January

Josh Mellor
Josh Mellor
AEB, Devolution

London’s mayor pairs skills with business in new appointment

Howard Dawber will take over from Jules Pipe, who has overseen skills for eight years

Josh Mellor
Josh Mellor
Devolution, election

Mayoral pledges: Burnham plans ‘halls of apprentice’ for Greater Manchester

We take a look at what England's newly elected mayors have promised to deliver for regional skills training

Josh Mellor
Josh Mellor
Colleges, Long read

Nescot’s Julie Kapsalis, the rebel with a big heart

FE has been a sideways move for Julie Kapsalis. But after a career in business development and PR –...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill
AEB, Apprenticeships, Long read

Andy Street reveals ‘deeper devolution’ hopes under trailblazer deal

With a landmark new devolution deal due any day, West Midlands mayor Andy Street tells what he plans to...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

Further education is at the heart of the East Midlands devolution deal

The new deal means working closely with education providers to create new career pathways, writes Ben Bradley On the...

Jess Staufenberg
Ben Bradley

This is how training providers can prepare for more devolution in the Adult Education Budget

Don’t duplicate your bid applications and do look elsewhere for inspiration, writes Steve Morris In February 2022, the government...

Jess Staufenberg
Steve Morris

AELP appoints a devolution director to represent independent training providers

The “real fear” that independent training providers wouldn’t get “representation around the table” in adult education budget devolution has...

Jude Burke
Jude Burke

Fears over ‘market instability’ in rush to roll out AEB devolution

The rushed timeframe ahead of next year’s devolution of the adult education budget means providers will struggle to “hit...

Jude Burke
Jude Burke