
Chartered Institute of FE admits to having no employees

The Chartered Institution for Further Education has been left with no employees after its CEO quietly stood down in...

Jessica Fino
Jessica Fino

DfE ends subsidies for Chartered Institution for FE

The Department for Education will no longer financially support the Chartered Institution for FE – leaving its future in doubt....

Jude Burke
Jude Burke

College leader expects no commercial benefit after paying “immaterial” £8,000 to join Charted Institute for FE

There is no commercial benefit to joining the Chartered Institute for FE, the principal of a college which has...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

Just three new recruits for chartered status in six months

The Chartered Institution for FE has recruited just one new college and two independent training providers in the last...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

Chartered Institution for Further Education appoints new chief executive

The Chartered Institution for Further Education has appointed Dan Wright as its new chief executive officer, with plans for...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson