The winners of Pearson’s tenth annual BTEC Awards are being announced in a ceremony this afternoon which is taking place online for the first time ever due to the coronavirus.
YouTube influencer and BTEC Ambassador Flex is hosting the 2020 awards and this page will be updated when each prize winner is revealed.
Double Olympic gold medallist and world champion gymnast Max Whitlock and architect, TV presenter and campaigner George Clarke will be among those presenting awards.
The ceremony will begin from 2pm and you can watch it live here:
The first award goes to Hannah Whyatt from Tupton Hall School for the BTEC Science Learner of the Year 2020!
Our #BTEC Science Student of the Year is an inspiration. She has displayed exceptional skill and precision in all her science work to win this award! Congratulations to Hannah Whyatt from @TuptonHalls #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Congratulations to Jonathan Morris from Walsall College for being awarded the BTEC Creative Media Learner of the Year 2020 award!
His films reflect his passion for telling stories with an emotional impact. Our Creative Media Learner of the Year is Jonathan Morris from @Walsall_College #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The winner of the BTEC Art and Design Learner of the Year 2020 award is Aaron Wilson from Wigan and Leigh College!
He is a mentor to others and a total inspiration – our BTEC Art and Design Leaner of the year is…Aaron Wilson from Wigan and Leigh College #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The winner of the BTEC Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Learner of the Year 2020 award is Jessica Elmore from Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College!
Choosing #BTEC give her a more realistic view of how business works & helped her excel. Our BTEC Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Learner of the Year is Jess Elmore from @QESFC #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The award for the BTEC Child and Social Care Learner of the Year 2020 goes to… Emily Campbell from Ballyclare Secondary School!
Our Child and Social Care Learner of the Year is the wonderful Emily Campbell from Ballyclare Secondary School #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The winner of the BTEC Teacher of the Year 2020 award is Kimberly Stephens from Maesgwyn Special School!
From @maesgwynrct school in South Wales our extraordinary BTEC Teacher of the Year 2020 is Kimberley Stephens. #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Well done to Caitlin Marsh Brown from Isle of Wight College – CECAMM for being named the BTEC Engineering Learner of the Year 2020!
A very special student and a magnificent person – the BTEC Engineering Student of the Year award goes to – Caitlin Marsh Brown from @iwcollege #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Congratulations to Charis Pulei from Braeburn International School Arusha for winning the BTEC Performing Arts Learner of the Year 2020 award!
A star is born! BTEC Performing Arts Learner of the Year 2020 is Charis Pulei from Braeburn International School Arusha #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Congratulations to James Booty from Basingstoke College of Technology for being awarded BTEC Tutor of the Year 2020!
For his pioneering work in providing real life experience in the classroom BTEC Tutor of the Year 2020 is James Booty from @bcot #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The award for the BTEC IT and Computing Learner of the Year 2020 goes to… Andrea Rodrigues from Ada the National College for Digital Skills!
Congratulations to Andrea Rodrigues, our 2020 BTEC IT & Computing Learner of the Year. Andrea has been described as an ambitious, proactive student with incredible curiosity and a real love for the subject that she is passing down. #BTECAwards2020 @andyrodrigues30 @AdaCollege
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Well done to Cooper Sommerville from East Surrey College for winning the BTEC Public Services Learner of the Year 2020 award!
The Public Services Learner of the Year award goes to Cooper Sommerville of @EastSurreyColl. Cooper’s work ethic, resilience and determination are matched by politeness, honesty, and reliability, as well as leadership & communication skills. #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Congratulations to international centre, Cambridge House Community College in Valencia – our fantastic 2020 BTEC School of the Year. #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The recipient of the BTEC Sport Learner of the Year 2020 award is… Stefanie McCluskey from Belfast Metropolitan College!
The award for BTEC Sports Learner of the Year presented by @maxwhitlock1 goes to Stefanie McCluskey, from Belfast Metropolitan College. As a mature student she brings to her studies a wealth of business and coaching experience. @bfastmet #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Up next is the BTEC Land-Based Learner of the Year 2020 award. And it goes to… Georgina Green from Riseholme College!
Georgina Green, winner of our Land Based Student of the Year Award, is an exceptionally well-rounded student driven by a passion for animal welfare. She excels in her coursework and also in her work experience and as student rep & ambassador for @riseholmecampus #BTECAwards2020
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
The recipient of the award for the BTEC College of the Year 2020 goes to… The Blackpool Sixth Form College!
Delighted to announce that the winner of the BTEC College of the Year 2020 award is @BlackpoolSixth. With a focus on preparing students for 21st century careers, a vast web of community links, and a passionate teaching team, students thrive – with 70.7% going on into HE.
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Congratulations to Marium Shafique from Nelson and Colne College Group for winning the BTEC Adult Learner and Business and Enterprise Learner of the Year 2020 Award!
Our Business & Enterprise learner 2020 and Adult Learner of the Year is a shining example of drive, passion and hard work. Marium Shafique from @NelsonColneColl goes the extra mile not only as a student, but also as an employee, and volunteer. #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
Well done to Lin Min Khant from Myanmar Noble University who has been named the BTEC Young Learner and Construction Learner of the Year 2020!
Huge congrats to Lin Min Khant – winner of the Construction Learner OTY Award AND Young Student OTY Award! Studying a BTEC HND at Myanmar Noble University, Lin Min is a talented engineer with a passion for green and sustainable design. #BTECAwards2020 #BTECWorks
— BTEC (@teachBTEC) June 25, 2020
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