Ofsted has announced plans to halve the number of times it publishes official FE statistics to two a year in response to a month-long consultation.
The consultation, which opened on August 11 on the education watchdog’s website, received 22 responses — 73 per cent of which agreed with the proposal to reduce the number of releases to two a year.
In its response to the consultation, Ofsted said: “As a result of the responses, we will reduce the frequency of our FE official statistics.
“In conjunction with this, we will publish monthly management information that will provide a frequent and timely snapshot of inspection judgements throughout the academic year (September to August) to date.”
The last quarterly official statistics were published in December and the first bi-annual report will be released in June, with the next due in December.
The monthly management information will include provider-level data on judgements in areas such as apprenticeships and 16 to 19 provision, as well as a breakdown of subject area judgements as well as key findings on the sector as a whole.
However, the “snapshot” will not include learner information, performance data and success rates or examples of
good practice.
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