Durham Cathedral is displaying work from local learners at a new exhibition on the fashion choices of kings and queens from the House of Tudor.
BTEC foundation and extended diploma fine art students from Darlington College have been asked to contribute artwork on a Tudor theme for the exhibition, which could take the form of a shoe collection, textile design or painting.
The college was approached to produce an installation by the cathedral’s learning and outreach officer, Philippa Cunliffe, once a learner at the college.
“They are looking at footwear and fashion, from the kings and queens of arguably one of the most expansive periods of the country’s history,” Ms Cunliffe explained.
“The students instantly appreciated what an incredible opportunity this project was to showcase their skills and we are already seeing some great ideas coming through,” said fine art lecturer Donna Slyfield. “We are all incredibly excited about working with Durham Cathedral and can’t wait to see the exhibition installed in such hallowed surroundings.
The work will be on public display from the beginning of February at the cathedral.
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