The Data Service announced on Wednesday that they would start the 2011/12 academic year by paying providers each month based on profiles rather than actual delivery, following “a significant increase in the amount of development and testing” of the replatformed Online Data Collections Portal (OLDC).
Despite the replatforming delays, the related FAQ document made it clear that providers would still be able to use the Learning Information Suite (LIS) software to calculate funding.
In answer to the question “Will I be able to work out how much I am actually earning?” the FAQs states “Yes. The Learner Information Suite (LIS) software will be available which will contain a copy of the funding calculation and various reports.”
Yet the very next day a Data Service news item also announces a delay to the release of the LIS software.
This latest news item reads: “To ensure we deliver a robust system that is fit for purpose and assists providers to meet the requirements of a single ILR, the Data Service has made the decision to delay the rollout of LIS V19.01, originally planned to go live on 11 August. The Data Service is currently working with its technical supplier to determine a definitive go live date and will publish this shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.”
On behalf of colleges, training providers and their subcontractors reliant on these systems and software, FE Week wishes the Data Service a speedy return to business as usual.
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