
Simplify the funding formula? Heard that before!

Both the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) and the Skills Funding Agency are beavering away, independent of each other,...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

And the principal with the cutest pet is…

It all started with an Lsect update (see www.lsect.co.uk/updates.asp) in January where there was a reference to a local...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

Diversity in Challenging Times

An inspiring conference succeeds through collaboration Partnership working at its best was evident recently when the Women’s Leadership Network...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

FE Week Crossacronym

Across 1. A ‘voice of further education’ since 1996 3. Shane Chowen led to campaign to keep it 5....

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

What has DWP done for the college sector?

Skills conditionality is, if anything, a greater threat to classroom-based adult learning than the removal of fee remission for...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter