
FE deserves a seat at the Brexit table

We still don’t know what Brexit will look like, but as FE has so much skin in the game,...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

What will replace the European Social Fund?

After Brexit, the government must replace the £500 million provided every year by the European Social Fund for people...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

Apprenticeship outcomes: how do we know what they are?

Reporting on outcomes will not be mandatory, which risks undermining the status and quality of apprenticeships, says Shane Chowen...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

It’s time we talked about lifetime learning

Almost a year ago George Osborne used his budget speech to commit the Government to a review that, at...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

The government must go much further with reforms

The Technical and Further Education Bill is a good start, but it needs to address structural problems that will...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

Up Pompeii

Shane Chowen looks into the fallout for FE from the Brexit vote. I wanted to start my column this week...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

Nobody wants iron curtains

Shane Chowen explains why he thinks Lord Sainsbury’s review of technical and professional education should avoid old solutions to...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

Setting the scene for a devolved future

Shane Chowen looks at how the upcoming local elections and devolution could affect FE. More than 475 elections will soon...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen

Welfare reforms impact on our students

Shane Chowen calls for greater recognition of the impact welfare cuts will have on FE students. The parliamentary process...

Shane Chowen
Shane Chowen