This afternoon the Department for Education began publishing reports and recommendations for area reviews in the first two waves. Links below to all 13 and story to follow:
- Birmingham and Solihull further education area review report : wave 1
- Cheshire and Warrington further education area review report : wave 2
- Greater Manchester further education area review report : wave 1
- The Marches and Worcestershire further education area review report : wave 2
- Sheffield city region further education area review report : wave 1
- Solent further education area review report : wave 1
- Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire further education area review report : wave 2
- Surrey further education area review report : wave 2
- Sussex further education area review report : wave 1
- Tees Valley further education area review report : wave 1
- Thames Valley further education area review report : wave 2
- West of England further education area review report : wave 2
- West Yorkshire further education area review report : wave 1
The only missing areas in wave 1 and 2 are for London (west) and London (central), both in wave 2. These have been delayed “to ensure that the recommendations and outcomes of the four London reviews are co-ordinated during wave 3.”
Skills Minister Robert Halfon said: “We need an education system that works for everyone – high quality, well governed and financially stable further education is essential to that.
“That’s why we asked colleges, employers and other local representatives to review the further education on offer in their area and come up with recommendations to ensure employers and young people get the skills and training they need to help their local area thrive. I’d like to thank all of those that took part for the important work they have done.
“This is vital if we’re going to make Britain a country that works for everyone, giving young people and adults the best possible ladder of opportunity to fulfilling jobs.”
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