The Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Select Committee has extended the deadline for submitting written evidence for its apprenticeships inquiry.

The new deadline, February 10, hopes to attract more responses during National Apprenticeship Week 2012.

Adrian Bariley MP, Chairman of the BIS Select Committee, said: “We want to receive as much evidence as possible.

“National Apprenticeship Week provides a tremendous platform for the BIS Committee to reach a broad range of interested parties across the country and to raise awareness about our inquiry.

“Respondents could, and indeed should, include companies of all sizes – from large corporations to the smallest SMEs – as well as people who have previously been enrolled on apprenticeship schemes, those who are currently enrolled and those who are thinking about enrolling in the future.”

The terms of reference for the inquiry are:

– How successful has the National Apprenticeship Service been since it was created in April 2009? Has it helped bridge the gap between the two funding Departments? (BIS and DfE)

– Is the extra funding promised by the Coalition Government necessary for apprenticeships? How can this funding best be spent?

– Are apprenticeships of a high enough quality to benefit apprentices and their employers? Should there be more Level 3 apprenticeships?

– Apprenticeship bonuses – how should they function? Will they encourage the involvement of more small and medium sized businesses to take on apprentices? If not what will?

– Is the current funding arrangement for training of apprentices of 100% for 16-18 year olds and 50% for 19-24 year-olds appropriate?

(Written evidence should be sent to the Committee using the following e-mail address:

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