In case you were in any doubt, the reforms to the apprenticeship system are complex.
You might think that there would be one single place that you could access to get all the information you would need, but there isn’t (unless you include but not all the documents are on one page or even linked together). So we’ve created that one-stop shop for you.
Here is a complete listing of the relevant documents, spreadsheets and webpages that relate to apprenticeship funding, apprenticeship providers and the levy. It covers provider documents, employer-providers and employers. It’s the complete reference library.
Key government documents
Click the headlines to access documents.
Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018
The rules that will apply to all apprenticeship provision funded by the SFA following the introduction of the apprenticeship levy.
Apprenticeship funding: legal agreement to enable spending
Employer agreement with the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to pay training providers to carry out apprenticeship training.
Apprenticeship funding bands
Sets out the funding bands that will apply for existing apprenticeship frameworks and apprenticeship standards.
Apprenticeship funding from May 2017
How apprenticeship funding for employers will work, including details of funding bands and the apprenticeship levy.
Apprenticeship technical funding guide
Details of the funding system used for apprenticeship frameworks and standards from 1 May 2017.
ILR guides and templates for 2016 to 2017
Guidance to help providers meet the requirements for ILR data returns.
Key government webpages
Click links to view.
Apprenticeship funding: how it will work
Paying the apprenticeship levy
Apprenticeship levy manual
Managing apprenticeships
Estimate your apprenticeship funding
Find apprenticeship training
Registers and lists
- Register of apprenticeship training providers
- Register of apprentice assessment organisations
- Apprenticeship frameworks online
- Learning aims search
- New apprenticeship standards
- Removal of apprenticeship frameworks
Guidance for the provider data staff
ILR specification, validation rules and appendices 2016 to 2017
Technical documents that define the ILR data that publicly funded providers must collect and return including ILR data returns calendar for 2016.
Apprenticeship service bulk upload specification
Technical documents for the apprentice bulk upload facility for training providers to use in the apprenticeship service.
ILR guides and templates for 2016 to 2017
Guidance to help providers meet the requirements for ILR data returns.
feconnect: online forum to talk about funding and data issues
Online forum administered by the Skills Funding Agency.
SFA digital
A blog about how the Skills Funding Agency is transforming its digital services.
Skills Funding Agency: update
Business-critical information for Skills Funding Agency providers.
And don’t forget the Government funded and SFA supported, Education and Training Foundation commissioned Future Apprenticeship Support programme delivered by AELP, AoC and partners