Provider challenging ‘flawed’ AEB tender in the high court

Lawyers are set to go to battle at the high court later this month, in the first ever challenge...

Fraser Whieldon
Fraser Whieldon

London will be first to launch regional AEB learner survey

The Greater London Authority is planning to become the first devolved area to launch a regional adult education budget...

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

One in five providers concerned about procurement process for devolved AEB

A fifth of providers believe adult education budget tenders run by devolved authorities need to be improved, with one...

Fraser Whieldon
Fraser Whieldon

Revealed: London AEB tender funding allocations

The sums being handed to providers under the Greater London Authority’s adult education budget tender have been revealed. In...

Fraser Whieldon
Fraser Whieldon

Revealed: The 17 winners of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s AEB tender

The providers which have won adult education budget contracts from Greater Manchester Combined Authority have been revealed. The providers...

Fraser Whieldon
Fraser Whieldon

Revealed: The 5 winners of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough AEB tender

The five training providers that have won contracts with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to deliver its devolved adult education budget...

Billy Camden
Billy Camden