Skills reform

The skills bill’s ambition cannot become reality without colleges

Royal assent for the bill moves the country closer to an employer-led skills system, but it can’t happen without...

Jess Staufenberg
Alex Burghart
Skills reform

One bill was never going to solve our skills challenge

A long-term cultural shift is needed – so after the bill, we need a ten-year plan, writes Stephen Evans...

Jess Staufenberg
Stephen Evans
Skills reform

The skills bill could have been so much better

Both Labour and Conservative voices have been ignored by the government, writes Toby Perkins After the government blocked no...

Jess Staufenberg
Toby Perkins
Skills reform

The real revolution in the white paper was taking teaching seriously

Without high-quality teaching, solving the skills challenge is just a pipedream, writes David Russell Last week saw a range...

Jess Staufenberg
David Russell
Skills reform

The FE white paper has galvanised support for the sector

The government still needs a national strategy but there are positive signs, writes David Hughes A year on from...

Jess Staufenberg
David Hughes
Skills reform

The white paper was promising – but why are ITPs still fighting for recognition?

Research out next month will prove the value of independent training providers, writes Jane Hickie The past year saw...

Jess Staufenberg
Jane Hickie
Skills reform

The skills bill is the blueprint for transforming the country

Apprenticeships are extraordinarily popular – and more progress is being made from the skills bill, writes Alex Burghart Skills...

Jess Staufenberg
Alex Burghart MP
Climate Change, FE Week Podcast

The FE Week Podcast: Reaching net zero, careers guidance and research in FE

This week Shane is joined by college principal Ian Pryce and the chief operating officer of an independent training...

Jess Staufenberg
FE Week Podcast
FE Week Podcast

The FE Week Podcast: The Tory Party Conference, Lords ‘Peer Review’ the Skills Bill and the future of assessment

In this week’s episode, we’re joined by exams board guru Kirstie Donnelly and policy director Simon Ashworth

Shane Mann
FE Week Podcast