York College
Apprenticeships found to be planned with less than the minimum 20 per cent off-the-job training will be “ineligible and...
A care sector apprenticeship provider has been heavily criticised by Ofsted for failing to give its apprentices any off-the-job...
The 20-per-cent off-the-job training rule is the biggest barrier to apprenticeship recruitment according to an FE Week survey –...
In last week’s FE Week webinar, the skills minister insisted the 20-per-cent off-the job training rule for would be...
The boss of the AELP wants the education select committee to help him get rid of the 20-per-cent off-the-job...
A plea for flexibility in apprenticeship off-the-job training requirements has been swiftly rebutted by the Department for Education. In...
Calls are being made for widespread changes to the minimum 20 per cent off-the-job training apprenticeship rule, in a...