York College
It’s been one of the most eventful and uncertain election campaigns in recent history, and now it’s almost over. The...
Manifesto promise: Scrap fees and loans in further education by doubling the Adult Education Budget Emily Chapman argues FOR...
Labour manifesto pledge: Reintroduce the 16-19 Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) Shakira Martin argues FOR Scrapping the education maintenance allowance...
Conservative manifesto pledge: Allow employers to use their levy to pay apprentices’ wages Martin Doel argues AGAINST The apprenticeship...
Conservative manifesto pledge: Allow employers to use their levy to pay apprentices’ wages Neil Carberry argues FOR The Conservative...
Manifesto promise: Scrap fees and loans in further education by doubling the Adult Education Budget Graham Taylor argues AGAINST...
Labour manifesto pledge: Set a target that all FE teaching staff have a teaching qualification within five years Malcolm...
Labour manifesto pledge: Set a target that all FE teaching staff have a teaching qualification within five years Sally...
Conservative manifesto pledge: Double the Immigration Skills Charge to £2,000 to reinvest in FE and skills Alex Balch argues...