York College
‘adult education’
The future of apprenticeships was debated by the sector at FE Weekend last Friday. The summer conference, hosted at Morley College, was FE Week’s first event looking at the latest updates and policy developments surrounding apprenticeships. The agenda included speeches on various aspects of apprenticeships, such as funding frameworks, minimum durations and subcontracting. One highlight […]
Fifteen Community Learning Trusts have been chosen to take part in a pilot scheme launching in August. The successful trusts will involve FE colleges, adult education services, businesses and voluntary organisations working together to try and increase the number of adults taking part in education. It is hoped the scheme will give communities more power to […]
The National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) has today announced the young competitors that have won a place in Squad UK for WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 – the skills Olympics. WorldSkills is the biggest international skills competition in the world. Held every two years in one of its 61 member countries or regions, the competition sees around 1,000 […]
Matching students with a course that will lead to employment is “not a high enough priority” for FE providers, according to a report published by Ofsted today. Their Skills for Employment report found that too many courses focused on the achievement of qualifications and did not extend to training that led to job specific skills. […]
John Hayes, Minister of State for FE, Skills & Lifelong Learning, has today announced that the government will introduce a series of support measures for those taking out 24+ Advanced Learning Loans (24+ ALL). In a written ministerial statement Hayes said, “This is the first time that loans have been available in Further Education, and […]
David Cameron has created a National Childcare Commission in the wake of Professor Cathy Nutbrown’s review of qualifications for the Early Years workforce. Nutbrown wants tougher entry requirements, starting at level 3, to raise the quality and status of childcare workers. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Truss MP, in a recent report for the think tank Centreforum, calls […]
During a recession it would make more sense for people to be supported to learn new skills in further education than paid to look for jobs that don’t exist. That is the simple headline message of a new report prepared by the 157 Group to be published this week. Colleges maintain that there are many […]
The publication of the recent Local Government Association (LGA) report on a so-called “skills mismatch” in further education is deeply disappointing. It represents a backward step to outdated and discredited approaches to labour market planning and threatens to undermine moves towards a more fruitful strategic co-operation between colleges and local authorities that we in the […]
We asked a few FE heroes what they thought of our first year… The further education and skills sector has always needed a voice. Somewhere to analyse the latest policy proposals, and ask the difficult questions when high quality teaching and learning is threatened. That’s why last summer I decided to launch a weekly newspaper […]