
16-18 funding continues

The Young People’s Learning Agency has confirmed they will, in exceptional circumstances, continue to fund non-accredited provision for 16-18...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

Subcontracting: Incorporating the Guidance

You know your responsibilities to your funding body. But do your subcontractors know their responsibilities to you? FE institutions...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

What has DWP done for the college sector?

Skills conditionality is, if anything, a greater threat to classroom-based adult learning than the removal of fee remission for...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

Construction funding rates take a hammering

The Young People’s Learning Agency  (YPLA) has recently released a document called ‘ Changes to SLN values for specific...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

Lauener to stay on

The Education Secratary, Michael Gove, has announced that Peter Lauener will become the first Chief Executive of the Education...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

Highs and lows of 2010/11 quarter 3 reallocations

73% of providers ‘below performance’ This week the Skills Funding Agency published a document on their website called ‘Outcome...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

In at the deep end

No matter how buoyant academic life is most of the time, every college is likely to face a situation...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter

Concern at 12 week apprenticeships

Training providers are calling on the government to take a closer look at the so called fast-track apprenticeships  that...

FE Week Reporter
FE Week Reporter